We are back for our third new edition. Beginning in this issue we are adding a new feature: an inspirational video to accompany our inspirational quote. (Hey, it can’t be giggles all the time, you know. Okay it technically can be. And for the most part it still will be. But a little diversity doesn’t hurt!)

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TIDBITS is back! I started my email humor newsletter 20 years ago today, on Feb. 5th, 1997, as a means of sending jokes and other materials to a small group of friends. It ran for three years to the day and I ended it with #150.

But I still continued to send jokes to my friends.

So after a year I returned to it and it ran it for another four years. Twelve years ago today, on the eighth anniversary of the first installment, I emailed issue #1000 and figured that would be the perfect place to end.

Continue reading “TIDBITS 1001”


T’was the night before TIDBITS…

Welcome one and all to TIDBITS! I want to thank each of you who signed up for my weekly email humor newsletter. I’m hoping it will give you a chuckle or two to start each week with.

Don't Forget to Read Your TIDBITS!While the actual first issue of the new run starts tomorrow, I thought I should send off a preliminary note to make sure everything is working right. If all goes well, this and each subsequent mailing will show up as links on my Facebook page and my Twitter account. In addition, I plan to post each issue as a blog on my website. This will help me to reach an even larger audience than just my core group of faithful subscribers.

Continue reading “TIDBITS Is Here”

TIDBITS Is Coming…

Crowd Laughing

I will be using this website to host an online version of my TIDBITS email humor newsletter, along with other content.

Watch this space for much mirth and merriment to come! The first new edition of TIDBITS in twelve years arrives February 5th!